Saraswati Shishu Mandir

Saraswati Shishu Mandir

Railway road, ETAH

Our School History


The sacred birthplace of Goswami Tulsidas ji and the pioneer of literature, poet Balveer Singh ji and the special efforts, dedication and body-mind of local social worker Late Shri Omprakash Rathi ji after receiving the good inspiration of the then district preacher Shri Hem ji on social, political and religious grounds. With the dedication of money, the leading organization in the field of education “Swami Vivekananda Shiksha Prasar Samiti Etah” was established in the year 1970 and it was also registered. Shri Omprakash Rathi ji as its founding minister, and Shri Baburam Upadhyay as its associate. , Shri Dhanyakumar Jain (Awagarh) was nominated.
The sacred birthplace of Goswami Tulsidas ji and the pioneer of literature, poet Balveer Singh ji and the special efforts, dedication and body-mind of local social worker Late Shri Omprakash Rathi ji after receiving the good inspiration of the then district preacher Shri Hem ji on social, political and religious grounds. With the dedication of money, the leading organization in the field of education “Swami Vivekananda Shiksha Prasar Samiti Etah” was established in the year 1970 and it was also registered. Shri Omprakash Rathi ji as its founding minister, and Shri Baburam Upadhyay as its associate. , Shri Dhanyakumar Jain (Awagarh) was nominated.
Keeping in mind how to provide a new direction to the small children of the city in the field of education, a primary school ‘Saraswati Shishu Mandir’ was established in Jatavpura Mohalla in the year 1970. Whose manager is Mr. Mahesh Chandra Dixit, President is Mr. Mahipal Das and Principal Shri Govind Ram Kushwaha ji was appointed as such. This small effort in the field of education in the year 1970 has today become a Chhatnar banyan tree due to the tireless work of the management committee, the spirit of sacrifice and dedication of the teachers and principals, the unwavering faith of the social workers and parents towards the institution and the devotion to duty of the brothers and sisters. Through the branches of various schools, about six thousand students are making important contributions in various fields while studying.

Saraswati Shishu Mandir Railway Road Etah

First of all, the foundation of Saraswati Shishu Mandir was laid in the year 1970-71 at Jatavpura Etah with 10 brothers and sisters. And after one year, due to lack of space, Shishu Mandir was shifted to Agarwal Dharamshala Old Basti. Whose first principal Govind Ram ji remained till 1973. After that, Shri Jasram Verma took the responsibility of the Principal and took the school forward and the number of brothers and sisters reached 52. By the year 1977, Shishu Mandir progressed day by day and reached the number of 215 with 6 diligent Acharyas. Due to the strict stance of the administration on the workers during the Emergency and special circumstances, the Shishu Mandir remained disrupted for a year. With the courage of the workers and the cooperation of the society, this obstacle was broken and Shishu Mandir was started again in two vacant rooms and verandah at the residence of the current minister of Swami Vivekananda Shiksha Prasar Samiti, Shri Brijanandan Maheshwari. In the year 1978-79, the officials of the committee on the railway route, taking the support of the society, purchased the land for the Shishu Mandir on the railway route, and for the first construction, Shri Fakirchandra Agarwal ji, Shri Omprakash ji Rathi, Shri Rajkumar Gupta and Shri Suresh Chandra ji Jain constructed one room each in the memory of their revered mother. Shri Shyammohan Lal Apadhyay gave impetus to the Shishu Mandir by constructing one room each in the memory of his nephew and Shri Ramcharan Lal ji in the memory of his son and daughter- in-law. Principals appointed during the development of the school included Shri Jasram Verma (1973-78), Shri Lekhraj Verma (1978-79), Shri Rammilan Singh (1979-83), Shri Bhavatendra (1983-84), Shri Jugal Singh (1984-85 ), Shri Shishupal Singh (1985-91), Shri Rakshpal Singh (1991-92), Shri Dharmendra Pal Dwivedi (1991-62), Shri Mahesh Chandra Sharma (1993-95), Shri Vishambhar Dayal Mishra (1995-96) Shri Bhujveer Singh (1996-2001), Shri Ramesh Chandra Saini (2001-2013), Shri Harnam Singh (2013- 2017),Shri Deepesh Kumar Srivastava(2017-2021) shoulder to shoulder with Acharyas with cordial feelings and management committee, increasing the number of 1187 brothers and sisters. Installed. In 2021 Principal Mr. Sunil Kumar Singh, President Mr.Dinesh pal Singh, Manager Mr. Arvind Kumar Agarwal, Treasurer Mrs. Kalpana Singh and other members of the management committee,various students are moving towards all-round development. Working with the current Principal Harish Kumar Gangwar (2024). President Dr. Ramvilas Sharma, Manager Mr.Sarvesh Babu Dixit and Treasurer Mrs. Kalpana Singh are taking the school to new heights by connecting 1250 students with state-of-the-art like mobile app and School Website.